Impressum, Datenschutz

Imprint, Privacy

Operator of this website

Corinne and Stefan Burri
Stockenmatt 39a
6063 Stalden

The use of the contact data of the imprint for commercial advertising is expressly prohibited.


All information contained on this website has been checked with the greatest possible care. However, Corinne and Stefan Burri does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the content provided. All users of this website agree that use is at their own risk.

Liability claims regarding damage caused by the use of any information provided, including any kind of information which is incomplete or incorrect, will therefore be rejected.

Corinne and Stefan Burri reserves the right to delete, change, supplement or completely discontinue the contents of this website without prior notice. A liability does not arise from this.


© Corinne and Stefan Burri. All rights reserved.
The contents of this website are subject to copyright and other laws protecting intellectual property. The contents belong exclusively to Corinne and Stefan Burri. Any unauthorized use requires our prior written consent, or that of the respective copyright holder. The unauthorized reproduction and distribution of individual content or the entire content is not permitted.

The display of this website in external frames is only permitted with written permission.

This website contains trademarks that are subject to trademark protection. Even if these are not marked as such, the corresponding protection provisions apply.

External links

This website contains links to other companies, persons or organizations. The link is provided solely for the purpose of information and as a service to users. The linked websites are subject to the liability of the respective operator. The external content was checked at the time of the initial linking. Corinne and Stefan Burri has no influence on the current or future design of these contents. A constant control of external links is not reasonable. However, such external links will be deleted immediately if legal violations become known.


To protect the login to the backend of the website, the IP address, access date/time and login name are stored. This is to prevent unauthorized “trying” of login information or to block this.

Information that you provide in contact forms on this website can also be stored in a database. This data is only used for the purpose defined in the contact form and will not be passed on.

As with any connection to a web server, the server of our web hosting provider logs and stores certain technical data. This data includes the IP address and the operating system of your device, the data, the access time, the type of browser and the browser request including the origin of the request (referrer). This is necessary for technical reasons to provide you with our website. The web hosting provider uses technical and organizational measures to protect this data from unauthorized access and does not pass it on to third parties. To the extent that personal data is processed in the process, we do so based on our interest in providing you with the best possible user experience and ensuring the security and stability of our systems.

The use of the contact data of the imprint for commercial advertising is expressly prohibited.

Web design

Implementation with WordPress.
Web design and programming: IFY Webdesign.

Corinne + Stefan Burri | Stockenmatt 39a | 6063 Stalden (Sarnen) | | +41795816581